Vision & Mission
Our Vision
To be THE MOST preferred and trusted clean energy partner. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer sagittis vitae libero vel sollicitudin.
Our Mission
Create partnership in innovation way to:
Maximize stakeholder value by acquiring and delivering environmental sound clean energy, through operation excellence and people empowerment.
Company History
BOD (Board Of Directors)
Budi Sulistyo
Direktur Utama
Syehani Assegaf
More than 20 years we build this company
and of course Majuko has been received so many award and certificate that lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur.
Our Commitment K3PL (HSE)
We develop the best product and we consider about customer satisfaction, so we try to lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit
Inline with the Company’s vision and mission, EHK has implemented the Occupational Health Safety Management System (SMK3) to ensure the work is carried out in a healthy, safe, secure, and environmentally friendly manner. Company value ‘IT IS’ inspires employee actions and confirms that safety is core of how we operate.
The company success in implementing the SMK3 and has been recognized by international certifications: ISO 9001-2015, ISO 14001-2015, OHSAS 18001-2007. These implementation on all EHK activities are reinforced with the implementation of ‘Plan-Do-Check-Act’ principle.
Corporate Social Responsibility
EHK constantly developing various corporate social responsibility programs aimed at improving the welfare of society in a sustainable manner. The presence of EHK in the community is as a booster that brought positive energy to the whole community through corporate social responsibility activities. EHK’s CSR program consists of Community Development Program and Social and Environmental Responsibility Program that is run to improve the quality of community welfare.
Throughout 2018, there were several disasters in Indonesia and as a realization of our care and empathy to those who suffered from disasters, EHK provide assistance among others through donation for earthquake disasters in Lombok.
EHK extended support for worship place among others through religious events such as donation for orphans, religious support event related to religious holidays, support for establishment of worship places religious support facility, and qurban anomal donation for Ied Al-Adha which was given to community in EHK’s operational areas.